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Neodecortech Group 2021-2023 Business Plan approved |
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Words by CEO Luigi Cologni on consolidated pre-closure (unaudited) results at 31 |
December 2020 |
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Intention confirmed to move to STAR segment managed by Borsa Italiana |
Filago, 10 February 2021
Neodecortech S.p.A. (“NDT” or the “Company“), listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (electronic stock market) organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (“MTA“), announces that the Board of Directors met today and, in compliance with current regulations, resolved, among other things, on the following.
Neodecortech Group 2021-2023 Business Plan approved
After confirming that the difficulties arising from the COVID 19 pandemic have been overcome, Neodecortech updates the previous 2020-2022 Plan by approving the 2021-2023 Business Plan, which envisages:
• the consolidation of traditional lines such as decorative paper, printed decorative paper, printed plastic film and impregnated paper;
• a strong development of the new product lines, such as laminates, EOS (anti-fingerprint surface finish) and PPLF (plastic laminated film for flooring accessories and paneled walls), all premium products for the interior design and flooring market;
• a 50% increase in investments versus the previous three-year period, with approximately 37% dedicated to the launch of new products and processes, approximately 33% to increasing productivity, and approximately 29% to consolidating production and operating capacity;
• that the planned investments are self-financed in their entirety through increased internal cash generation and without resorting to further debt;
• the possibility of leveraging on industrial digital printing technology should it prove to be sufficiently mature to be adopted also in the Group’s segment of operation and to justify an adequate return.
The Plan is grounded upon Sustainability. Sustainability has been the overarching theme for some years now of the Neodecortech Group – a pioneer in the principles of circular economy, with 25% use of secondary raw materials in paper production as well as the lowest use of fossil fuels in the industry at European level. More specifically, in terms of energy needs, Cartiera di Guarcino S.p.A. covers 25% of steam and 100% of electricity requirements through Bioenergia S.p.A. which, as a biomass cogeneration plant, uses an animal by-product as its sole fuel. Neodecortech, instead, uses electricity from 100% renewable sources. 10% of consumption is self-produced. This percentage will increase to 20% over the life of the Plan.
The Sustainability Report, drawn up in accordance with GRI international standards, will be published in April.
Neodecortech S.p.A. |
tel +39 035996111 |
C.F. e R.I. 00725270151 |
Via Provinciale, 2 |
fax +39 035995225 |
P.IVA IT 02833670165 |
24040 Filago, Bergamo |
Capitale Sociale Euro 17.398.687,37 i.v. |
R.E.A. BG – 193331 |
Words by CEO Luigi Cologni on consolidated pre-closure (unaudited) results at 31
December 2020
CEO Luigi Cologni, on the sidelines of the Board meeting, took the opportunity to emphasize that “Neodecortech has successfully overcome the difficulties of the global economic recession triggered by the 2020 health emergency, which is still with us, and has fully achieved the goals set before the pandemic started. The final results, despite the severe challenges of spring, build on a strong recovery in the second half of the year and the launch of new products that will gain increasing importance, enabling domestic and European customers to make use of our high- performance premium surfaces. Last year’s final results are much better than those forecast in the reviewed budget contained in the Prospectus filed at the time of translisting on the MTA from AIM in May last year. An improvement achieved thanks to the efforts of all our employees who supported production, adjusted to smart working, and reacted to the social hardships, which affected in particular the production site in Filago/Bergamo. Smart working and the renewed central role of the home environment have also led to strong growth in Europe in the demand for furniture, which is still driving the market segments of furnishing surfaces that represent the main outlet for Neodecortech decorative papers. And as this new year begins to unfold, the order book allows Neodecortech to remain confident of its market positioning“.
Intention confirmed to move to STAR segment managed by Borsa Italiana
Intention confirmed once again to move to the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana as soon as the minimum capitalization requirements are met, all other requirements having already been met.
Neodecortech S.p.A.
Neodecortech is one of Europe’s top players in the production of decorative papers for laminated panels and flooring used in interior design. The Group’s business is in the production of complete and technologically advanced solutions for the realization of interior design projects, covering all stages of the production process for the production of decorative paper, from raw material management, through surface finishing and impregnation, up to the finished product and the management of end-of-line logistics. The Group offers 7 product categories: decorative papers; decorative printings; finish foil; melamine film; PPF and PPLF; laminates; EOS anti-fingerprint surfaces (
ISIN Code ordinary shares: IT0005275778
ISIN Code Warrants: IT0005346785
Neodecortech S.p.A. |
tel +39 035996111 |
C.F. e R.I. 00725270151 |
Via Provinciale, 2 |
fax +39 035995225 |
P.IVA IT 02833670165 |
24040 Filago, Bergamo |
Capitale Sociale Euro 17.398.687,37 i.v. |
R.E.A. BG – 193331 |
For further information:
Specialist and Corporate Broking BPER Banca S.p.A. [email protected] 051-2756537 www. |
Investor Relator KT&Partners S.r.l. T +39 0283424007 F +39 02 83424011[email protected] |
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This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to the public or an invitation to subscribe or purchase financial instruments in Italy or any other country where such offer or solicitation would be subject to restrictions or authorization by local authorities or otherwise prohibited by law. This press release may not be published, distributed or transmitted to the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. The shares mentioned in this press release cannot be offered or sold in either Italy or the United States or any other jurisdiction without registration under the applicable provisions or an exemption from the obligation to register under the applicable provisions. The shares mentioned in this press release have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 nor under the applicable provisions in Italy, Australia, Canada, Japan or any other jurisdiction.
There will be no offer to the public of the Company’s shares either in Italy or in the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan or elsewhere.
Neodecortech S.p.A. |
tel +39 035996111 |
C.F. e R.I. 00725270151 |
Via Provinciale, 2 |
fax +39 035995225 |
P.IVA IT 02833670165 |
24040 Filago, Bergamo |
Capitale Sociale Euro 17.398.687,37 i.v. |
R.E.A. BG – 193331 |
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