South Carolina restaurants feel impact of nationwide supply chain issues

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) – Lowcountry restaurants already dealing with a staffing shortage are now facing impacts from a nationwide shortage of seafood, chicken, and some other meats.

The coronavirus pandemic forced many places to close and the demand for products decreased, but as businesses open back up, production can’t keep up with the demand.

The effects of supply chain issues are being felt in the Charleston area and all over the country.

“The supply chains that are coming down into the peninsula and all of Charleston are getting strained along the way, so less product from the manufacturer means less product that makes it to the wholesaler, less product makes it to the retailer, less product makes it to the store at an increased price, and that has to be passed on to somebody,” Charleston Hospitality Group director of operations Jeff Diehl said.

Restaurants are paying higher prices for items like crab meat or chicken wings, to get the ingredients they need. Some businesses are having to raise their menu prices, while others are substituting items on their menus.

At Eli’s Table, assistant general manager David McCrae said seafood prices have dramatically increased.

“It’s hard to get everything but the things that are harder to get, mussels, scallops, and crab, the prices have gone through the roof,” McCrae said. “We are still getting the ingredients and we are still able to get everything , but it’s just harder and sometimes shipments won’t come up when they’re supposed to come in. It means we have to take things off the menu for a couple days until they do come in.”

The restaurant has been able to rely on other restaurants in the Charleston Hospitality Group to get the ingredients they need.

McCrae said this is the time for all restaurants and business owners in the Charleston area to come together and help each other.

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