In Bentiu, Internews’ Humanitarian Information Service (HIS) implements a communicating with communities (CwC) program to increase information sharing. The program operates Kondial 97.2 FM, a humanitarian radio station inside the Bentiu PoC, conducting listening groups to gather community feedback. If you have information to be shared with the PoC or humanitarians, please contact:
Humanitarian Project Manager Akiiki Tusiime ([email protected]) or Team Leader Pout Tuor ([email protected]).
What We Heard This Week
Feedback from the Community
More Centers for Youth Requested
Residents said that youth need to engagement in peace activities. They asked
concerned partners to build more youth
centers in various counties.
Adult & Youth, Bentiu
Road Maintenance Outside PoC
Residents reported that roads connecting the PoC, Rubkona and Dingding
have so many potholes and can lead to
accidents. They requested UNMISS to do
the repairs on the roads.
Adult & Youth, Bentiu
Iron Sheet Offcuts and Nail Littering
The populations in Bentiu and Rubkona
said that unused pieces of iron sheets
cut their feet. They requested concerned
partners to help collect them.
Adult & Youth, Bentiu
When Will The Measles Vaccination
Campaign for PoC Start?
PoC residents said that they fear that
there might be suspected cases of measles. They would like to know if health
partners have plans to vaccinate children
any time soon.
Adults, PoC
Thank You!
Residents expressed gratitude to the camp
management agency for opening water
retention sites. Appreciation was directed
to IOM.
Adult & Youth, PoC
Shower Shelters in Sector 2 Are Congested
Residents said that the shower covers in
their sector are congested and that there
is no privacy for women and girls. They
requested WASH partners to repair the
damaged ones.
Adult & Youth, Sector 2
Thanks for Teaching Us
Children appreciated the education cluster
and Northern Lich Ministry Of Education for
continued support for education. Appreciation was directed to UNICEF for facilitating
their examinations papers.
Students, Bentiu
We Like the Shelter Material Distributed in The PoC
Residents thanked Concern Worldwide
and the Shelter/NFI cluster for supporting
them with reinforcement kits to repair their
damaged shelters.
Adult & Youth, PoC
The Return of Expelled Criminals Scares
Residents reported that there are security concerns due to return of the expelled gangsters
back into the PoC. They request security and
authority to monitor them.
Adult & Youth, Sector 2, Block 7
Thanks, UNMISS For Leadership
Residents thanked UNPOL, RRP and
the child protection unit for conducting a 3-day training for community
Adult & Youth, PoC
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